Friday, July 1, 2011

Love Letter

Parshat Chukat...what comes to mind? PARAH ADUMAH!!!
So, there were less than 10 red heifers (heifer? who came up with that word?) in the history of the world. Sounds rare, right?
Well, guess what? There's something holy that's even MORE rare -- in fact, there was only ONE of these in history...know what it is?
YOU! Yes, you. The person reading this blog entry right now.

Chazal teach us that there are no two that are exactly alike.

There was never anybody like you in the unverise, and there will be anybody exactly like you. HaShem gave you an individual neshama with different strengths, weaknesses, talents, and powers. HaShem wants us all to use our power and talents to contribute and give to Klal Yisrael and to fully live up to our unique potential!
How can we be sure to live it up? Pray to HaShem for clarity and strength to fully fulfill and maximize your potential and mission in this world.

Shabbat Shalom u'Mevurach!


  1. bH there is only one of me, I don't think the world can handle more than that.

    Also, great post!

  2. Sefardi Gal said:

    Chazal teach us that there are no two that are exactly alike.
    Rashi on Bamidbar / Numbers, Parshat Pinchas, chapter 27, verse 15:

    Moshe said: Master of the Universe:
    You know that no two people have the same understanding; appoint a leader over them who will tolerate each one of them according to his understanding.
    Want quick Torah quotes for your Shabbat table?

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    For Jews ONLY! Thank you!

  3. Ahhhh!!!! Sefardigal!!!

    If only you could see the grin on my face right now!

    Thank you! Love letter accepted. Ve-hamevin ya-vin. :-)

  4. Azriel Tzvi - oh really, what would happen to the world? :)
    thank you!

    Mr. Cohen - thank you for providing the source!

    Tike4eva - hevanti :)

  5. @SG- I can't say for sure but I would assume it involves a giant fireball of doom.

  6. Azriel Tzvi - Giant fireball of doom...that's it?!
    Isn't there one of those in the sky every day :P

  7. There is indeed a giant fireball in the sky everyday but that one is not a giant fireball of doom, thats completely different. Also, that is bad enough, trust me.

  8. Sefardi Gal said:

    Chazal teach us that there are no two that are exactly alike.

    Midrash Tanchuma, Parshat Pinchas, chapter 10:

    Just as no two faces are the same, no two minds are the same.

    Want quick Torah quotes for your Shabbat table?

    Or simply for love of Torah any time?

    To receive quick easy Torah quotes from
    a variety of classic Jewish Torah books, please go to:

    Quick Torah quotes include:
    Midrash Tanchuma, Midrash Rabah, Tanna DeBei Eliyahu, Rashi, Rambam, Ramban, Shulchan Aruch, Mishnah Berurah, Pele Yoetz, Pirkei DeRabbi Eliezer, Kav HaYashar, Shaarei Teshuvah, Sefer Chasidim, Sefer Charedim, Midrash Mishlei.

    For Jews ONLY! Thank you!

  9. Love this post!!
    Thanks, you brought a smile to my face!
